What we do

Who We Are

Genanaw Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that empowers underprivileged children at Genet Mariam School in Ethiopia by supplying them with essential school materials, lunches, uniforms, and personal feminine supplies to ensure they can pursue their education with the necessary resources.


Who we serve

We serve the children and families of Gurage zone province of Shoa, Ethiopia. The financial constraints experienced by these households hinder their capacity to afford items as fundamental as pens, pencils, notebooks, and other necessary materials. As a result, students face the harsh reality of attending classes without proper tools for learning, perpetuating a cycle of educational disadvantage that further exacerbates the existing economic challenges within these rural communities.

Why it matters

In rural Ethiopia, poverty remains a pervasive challenge, particularly in areas like the Gurage Zone in the province of Shoa. The socioeconomic landscape is characterized by primitive subsistence farming, with communities often grappling with food insecurity. Within this context, the dire poverty levels significantly impede the ability of school children
to access essential educational resources.

Who we collaborate with

The Genanaw Foundation collaborates with administrators and teachers at Genet Miriam School, as well as community leaders and families in the region. We are expanding our services to reach more needy children in the area.

How our community is involved

The school supply project is propelled by an engaged community, working collaboratively to ensure every student has the essential tools for a successful academic journey. The district, school administrators, parents, and members of the community at large enthusiastically contribute their time and efforts to the success of our mission

How we measure success

Our success is gauged by the tangible impact we make, reflected in the increased number of children equipped with school supplies, girls empowered to attend school without hindrance to their personal needs, and families relieved of the burden of sending their child to school without an adequate lunch, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to pursue education without financial constraints. Our organization’s positive impact on the community has been expressed through testimonials from parents of children in the Genet Mariam Community. The links to the full video of these testimonials are listed below. Please note that the testimonials are in Kistanigna, one of the Gurage languages spoken in Ethiopia. Testimonies of W/o Aberash and Ato Getu


“Families with three children cannot afford to purchase school essentials, leaving them with no other option than to send their children to live with wealthier families in nearby towns.” “Our children who go to the nearby school feel exhausted returning home. Having our children attend school in their community is a blessing.” 

Getu Sima, a parent and resident of Gulo, Oct 2022

“We were facing a shortage of resources, and we had to make a tough decision of sending only two of our four children to school while the others stayed home. The cost of school supplies was a burden. A single exercise book would cost us 80 Birr, and a pencil was 20 Birr. Thanks to your generous donation, all our children can now attend school. As parents, we are thrilled, and our children are equally happy.”

Aberash Mebratu, a parent and resident of Gulo, Oct 2022

What needs funding

Our active project aims to provide school supplies, raw lunch materials, feminine hygiene products for girls, and uniforms. These recurring services are indispensable for the well-being and educational progress of the students.  

Our non-recurring projects are extremely necessary for the neighboring communities and schools. These projects include the installation of power transmission transformers and water storage tanks with motor pumps to provision clean water and electricity. These basic necessities are often lacking in underserved communities. In addition, it’s important to extend the primary schools in these communities to grade 6 and some to grade 8, as well as to convert the Genet Mariam Junior High School into a high school. All of these efforts will contribute to the betterment of the community and provide opportunities for underprivileged children. To achieve these goals, our organization needs your support. Please click the link below to be part of this endeavor.

Active Projects Location , Genet Mariam, and neighboring communities in Aymelel Gurage District (a.k.a. Sodo Gurage)